House Plans - The Carmel
Home Information (Sq Ft)
Main Floor: 1393
Upper Floor: -
Total Living Area: 1393
Garage: -
Total Finished Area: 1393
Covered Entry: -
Covered Porch: 369
Balcony: -
Total Area: 1762
Home Dimensions (Ft)
Width: 44
Depth: 49
The Carmel is a true gem among new homes. With a floor plan that includes a central great room, 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, it makes an ideal vacation home.
Other Information
Number of Bedrooms: 2
Number of Bathrooms: 2
Options Available
Walk-out Basement: yes
Full Basement: yes
Garage: - yes
Sundeck: - yes
Covered Porch/Deck: - yes
Solarium: - yes
Skylights: - yes
Sunroom: - yes